Trinity Trotter

Trinity Trotter's Fundraiser

Help the Travelgirls Cohort work towards a once-in-a-lifetime traveling experience to Peru! image

Help the Travelgirls Cohort work towards a once-in-a-lifetime traveling experience to Peru!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$5,700 towards $5,700

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us for CINNAMONGIRL INC

Hello! My name is Trinity, I am 14 years old and I currently attend a Boarding School in Connecticut. For the past 2 years, I have been a member of Cinnamongirl. “Cinnamongirl is a leadership development organization that empowers girls to be visionaries.”I am now entering my third year as a Cinnamongirl and second year with the Travelgirl cohort.

Next summer, the Travelgirl cohort will be traveling to Peru. We will spend our time visiting Lake Titicaca, to better understand the role the Amazon Rainforest plays in protecting the earth. While in Peru, we will learn about the tradition of Machu Picchu, and learn more about the 470,000 species that inhabit the Amazon Rainforest. My personal itinerary is to learn more about daily life in Peru. I have a love for languages. I am very excited to learn about the history of the Spanish language, about what its origin and relationship is with the English language.

I am also curious about Afro-Peruvian culture and how the African diaspora helped shape what Peru is today. Last year, I had the privilege of going to Portugal. While there, I learned about Portugal's role in the Trans-Alantic slave trade and its relationship with Peru. In Peru, I hope to experience the different cultural traditions and practices. Its similarities and differences to that in America. Now that I will have the opportunity to go to Peru, I feel this journey will help me come full circle in understanding Afro-Peruvian culture.

The best part about traveling with the Travelgirl cohort is the opportunity to travel alongside girls who look like me. The travel experience creates a special bond between the girls who I traveled with. We now have an understanding and a connection created out of shared experience from teamwork and a love for learning and exploring that has persisted throughout our time in Cinnamongirl. The close knit friendships that have been made through Travelgirl are very much cherished. I am challenged to practice my leadership skills, step out of my comfort zone, and immerse myself in a new culture; all within a safe, supportive, setting. I am sharing this information with you because my mission is to raise the cost for my travel and to make sure that every Cinnamongirl in our Travelgirl cohort is able to participate in this remarkable experience.

Please donate the amount that is right for you and your family.

Thank you for your support in helping the Travelgirl Cohort travel to Peru. I look forward to sharing my story and pictures with you upon my return. Thank you very much!